6 Techniques To Keep a More Positive Attitude As You Age

6 Techniques to Keep a More Positive Attitude As You Age

By Sharon Dyer


Going into our retirement years can be an exciting time of life for many. Finally, we can experience the culmination of everything we’ve worked and strived for. Time to pursue hobbies, travel, and spend time with loved ones are exciting prospects. These truly can be 'golden years.'

For some, though, these years can be rife with challenges. As we grow older, our bodies become less cooperative, and we can find ourselves struggling to do things we used to accomplish with ease. Finances can be tricky, and family is not as simple to stay in touch with as we'd thought. When this happens, we need every advantage we can get. Thankfully, there is one thing we can do to build up our strength, energy, and even our immune systems: we can cultivate a positive attitude.

How to do this? 

Start Each Day Right

Really, our waking hours will tend to reflect how we start the day. If you can get up and think positively about the day from the start, you'll find that the rest of the day tends to flow more positively. If you need help coming up with positive thoughts, start with something you're looking forward to during the day.

Move a Little

Exercise does wonders for mental health and stimulates endorphins which help us feel more positive. It doesn't matter if you don't have the mobility you used to have. Even something gentle like tai chi can get your blood flowing and stretch out stiff muscles. Need help figuring out what you are still capable of? Talk to your doctor about what's right for you.

Activate Your Mind

Learning new things is always a positive experience. If you’re retired, now is the perfect time to learn new skills. Start with your local community college. Many offer classes for a deeply reduced rate for seniors. Some will even allow older adults to attend for free!

Let Go

It's hard to feel positive if you're holding on to anger or resentment about past events. By practicing forgiveness, you free yourself from the weight of broken expectations.

Make a Difference

We all need purpose in life. Just because you're no longer working doesn't mean you can't still make an impact. Find something you believe in passionately, and you'll feel more positive every time you act, whether you volunteer your time or contribute by writing letters of support.


Finding something which amuses you will always make you feel more positive. Need help discovering things to laugh at? Spend time with your pets or grandchildren. Their antics are sure to amuse!

If you’re still on the fence about how important your attitude is toward aging, consider this study from North Carolina University. They found people who felt positive about growing old lived up to seven years longer than those who felt more negatively. A positive mindset is definitely worth the effort!

Like to find out more about Rewire Positivity: Flipping The Switch From Negative To Positive?

Click here to find out how you can create more happiness, joy and fulfillment in your life by learning how to Rewire Your Mind to positivity.

Here are the key lessons shared in the Rewire Positivity: Flipping The Switch From Negative To Positive program

  • A look at positive thinking and the true nature behind it
  • An investigation into why people struggle to think positively
  • How positive thinking can help us in our personal and professional life
  • 1 10-part system you can follow to “rewire” your brain to be more positive



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